Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Johnny Appleseed

First, I would like to thank all who bother looking at my senseless blog! I get praise each time I post a new blog. Granted I've only posted two in my whole "blogging career", but I guess too that since the first one was April of 2008 to my previous (and second) post which was Jan. 2009, everyone freaks out when news is reported. Maybe I do have an interesting life everyone loves to read about. Does that make me a celebrity? I'll be sure to make millions off of People the next time I have a baby and they want to be the first maagazine to publish the family pictures!

Today was a snow day here in PG, NC! I was going to attempt to drive into work, until I got to the end of the road and my car wouldn't stop sliding. I decided to turn my happy tail around and head back home. Better safe, than sorry! I've had the kids all day and bless their hearts, they have done an awesome job playing together today. They do have a way of getting into a TON of mischief together. I was in the middle of cleaning the kitchen when I realized they were no where around. They were around alright...in my bathroom trying to flush handfulls of toilet paper at a time! I had to plunge several times for the water and paper to go down. And that also means I have to go buy more toilet paper soon. Oh well!

Your probably wondering why I have decided to name this blog "Johnny Appleseed". That is because of my wonderful Baby Cole! Today at lunch time, I had given them each a container of applesauce. Eachtime I looked over at him he was eating the applesauce with his hands. A little messy, but ok! The last time I looked over and he was wearing the applesauce in his hair like hair gel! He's not one for styling his hair yet. We need to work on that. I could not help but laugh out loud, even though I wanted to yell about the mess.

It's hard to believe that just a couple of weeks ago I was in Hawaii like this:

And now it looks like this outside and I'm freezing my buns off:

It's only 5:00 PM here and I need to get the kids up from nap and get dinner cooking. The day in the Thomas Home is still young. I'm sure there will be loads more to blog about! I'll keep ya posted!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

Wow! So I suppose this should be one of my New Year's resolutions! That shouldn't be too hard to keep, right??? HAHA We'll see about that! Let's see...what has happened since last April? Quite a bit I guess! Between the kids and work I barely have time to eat. I love every second though. The kids are constantly cracking me up. Not too long ago Hillary was playing the awesome big sister role and reading a book to little Cole. As I was watching in awe and being a little sentimental, thinking of what a Hallmark moment was going on right before my very eyes, Hillary in the middle of reading, stops, and in a very serious tone, says "What the Hell?" I couldn't believe my ears and thought I was imagining things so out of pure stupidity, I ask her, "What did you just say?", knowing pretty well what was just said. She said again, "What the hell? Someone colored in my book!" I quickly scolded her and told her we do not say that and had to turn my head to chuckle to myself.

I've been trying out the whole dating game and that is always fun! I always seem to come away with some really funny stories. Those who I have told them to can vouch for me! They range from the dude feeling so comfortable around me that he farts in front of me the first time we meet to a highwater wearin dude who cheated on his wife and proceeds to almost get his car towed (by the sheriff who pulled him) on the way back to drop me off by my car. HAHA At least I can get a good laugh at these. I'm sure if it were anyone else they would crawl under a rock and cry themselves to sleep at night. I just try to find humor in things and by golly....it's working!

Now that I've got some of that out of the way, yes I'll try to do better this year and keep all you people in the "Stefanie Loop".